War Issue Research Paper

602 Words3 Pages
Unstable Issues of War War is one of the most argued and common issues in world today. This world is full of violence and greed which led to this catastrophic issue, war. War does not only affect the soldiers, who fought in battlefield for their country, but also affect soldiers' friends and families. One of the examples is "Billy Don't Be a Hero", a song made by a band called Paper Lace, that shows a new perspective about war. War is an unstable force which can takes away soldiers' life and leaving their families and/or friends in vulnerable position. War issue is the most important argument because of high ring casualty and unstable government. According to this book, Life of American Soldier," The reality of war- fear, the chaos, the ugliness, and the horror of seeing man die" (Yancey 43). This quote clarify that the war is like a parasite eating and taking away every life from the world. Because of the casualty, war impacts almost every countries and including United States. According to this book, The Vietnam War," With the economy struggling to recover from the costs of the war. Jobs were hard to find, and veterans often seemed to be last hired" ( Schomp 75). This quote shows that war also have impacts not on people but also on the economies of multiples foreign countries. People in the world thought the war will not affect their life, which they are wrong as it could affect everything in their life. War is unpredictable force that couldn't be treat with such a simple solution, as it requires complicated and difficult solution. The only things war provides to us is a temporary peace and more corrupt conflict. Paper Lace use their song, " Billy Don't Be A Hero", to bring up the issues about war. According to " Billy Don't Be A Hero' lyric, "Don't be a fool with your life. Billy don't be a hero, Come back and make me your wife". Paper lace uses this rhyme
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