Walt Whitman and Allen Ginsberg

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Allen Ginsber’s affinities in “Howl” with “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman and Allen Ginsberg are two poets that have comparable poetic tendencies despite living almost a century apart from one another. Walt Whitman can claim many literary descendants including writers of prose as well as poetry. He is considered a midwife of modern poetry and poets between two wars in 20th century. One of the most known poems in of his book “Leaves of Grass” is Song of myself. In a scary translation of life and the real experiences of Americans post World War II, “Howl” is a mind blowing and disturbing poem by Allen Ginsberg. In this essay I’m going to compare Whitman’s “Song of Myself” to “Howl” written by Beat generation poet Allen Ginsberg. There are a number of ways that Whitman’s influence can be noticed in Ginsberg’s work “Howl”, including a similar style of format and structure, a similar impact on the literary world and a concern with American people. Another significant influence that Whitman has for Ginsberg is the fact that Whitman had been an outcast from the literary circle of his era, with his long -winded style, free verse, sexual exposure and his appearance as a plainly dressed workman rather than a high society poet. So as Ginsberg was not accepted among poets of his generation. His literary works were prohibited from public circulation. Also noticeable similarity between the poets was their subject matter. “Its subject is a state of illumination induced by two (or three) separate moments of ecstasy”, said Malcolm Cowley in introduction to “Leaves of grass”. Whitman and Ginsberg share a similar points of view and it may be interesting to analyze how each of them speaks to the country not only
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