Walmart Discrimination Essay

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Ch. 3 pg. 92 Walmart’s Discrimination Difficulties 1. According to this case, Walmart has been accused of violating the title 7 civil rights act when they discriminated against the applicants of different race, color, and sex. Walmart could have avoided these charges by having interviews that have a preset list of questions. They could have also had a computer look through the qualifications and skills in the applications so that they would not pull out the ones that had names of women. Or they could have even had more women doing the hiring process so there were no feelings of discrimination. Walmart also could have created some sort of affirmative action program so that minorities and women were more equally represented. 2. The challenge that I think will be more difficult for Walmart to overcome will be diversifying its top-management ranks within the company. I believe it will be more difficult because now that it has gotten out in the news that they aren’t as equal in their employment opportunities as they say less minorities and women will want to apply and try to get hired there because they themselves don’t want to be discriminated against. If less people apply there will be less to train and make their way up the ranks to top-management. The opposite might also happen and Walmart could get more diverse in their top-management but then the white men would start to claim that reverse discrimination is starting to happen. 3. I think more diversity among its executives would help Walmart avoid problems with discrimination because if there is more diversity in the top-ranking employees, people would start to believe that they are trying to stop the discrimination. If they used the four-fifths rule everyone would see that they are trying harder to hire more women and minorities so that they are not being accused of
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