Vulnerable Population Essay

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The word “vulnerability” stems from the Latin vulnerare, which means, “to wound.” (Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary, 1995). "Labeling individuals as 'vulnerable' risks viewing vulnerable individuals as 'others' worthy of pity, a view rarely appreciated" (III, Danis & Patrick 2002, p. 320). Vulnerable populations are groups not well integrated into the health care system because of ethnic, cultural, economic, geographic, or health characteristics. This isolation puts members of these groups at risk for not obtaining necessary medical care, and thus constitutes a potential threat to their health, (Hurst, 2008). Effective health care is dependent on understanding vulnerable individuals and populations with respect to biases and prejudices of healthcare providers. There are a variety of vulnerable populations that exist in today’s struggling society. . After going through the Neighborhood and personal experience, it became apparently clear that my paper would be the subject of the Down syndrome population. I was very interested in the Allen household and how Gary interacted and reacted to his sick mother. Gary has depended on his parents and with his mother’s recent illness, it has really made his father upset. Gary knows there is something going on with his mother, but does not know what. They do not understand situations like we do and can stress them-selves and become agitated when others they are close with are ill. This vulnerable population is like no other. The individuals living with Down syndrome are a sub-group of people living with a genetic condition or a disorder and I wanted to know what makes Down syndrome individuals a vulnerable population. During extensive reading and research the realization is that the Down syndrome population requires special care and has specific needs and medical conditions through his or her lifespan.
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