Voice In 'The Pardoner's Tale And'

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Compare and contrast ways in which your three chosen writers create a sense of voice, and the effects they achieve through their use of voice ‘None of these characters […] tells the full story’ ,this statement from Bennett’s introduction to Talking Heads can also be applied to ‘The Pardoner’s Tale’ and ‘The Remains of The Day’; in all three, the use of the first person means that the tale is often centralised around the views and perspectives of the narrator. It is often left to the reader or audience to interpret the information which the narrators have either consciously or unconsciously omitted. The term ‘teller’, in fact, is ambiguous; it could be said that the fictional narrator of the tale is the teller. However it could also be argued…show more content…
Bennett creates a conversational tone in his monologues, giving the impression that the characters are talking to themselves, reviewing there lives. Lesley’s desperation to be accepted socially is shown by the use of phrases such as ‘I’m interested in interesting people’ in an attempt to sound appealing and ‘interesting’ herself, however Lesley’s ridiculous vocabulary only underlines her social alienation for the audience. Her constant referral to professionalism, insisting she is ‘professional to [her] fingertips’ is similar to Stevens’ constant reiteration that everything he does is for ‘professional reasons’ and his frequent references ‘The Hayes Society’ of butlers. In ‘The Remains of the Day’ Ishiguro adopts the distinctive idiolect traditionally used by Butlers, described as ‘Butler Speak’ and from the offset of the novel this can be observed in Steven’s over complication of phrases that the average person would phrase in a much simpler manner. An example being the first sentence in the novel ‘It seems increasingly likely that I really will undertake the expedition that has been preoccupying my imagination for some days’, an unnecessarily wordy way to convey the point he wanted to make. Indeed, ’There is a kind of over formality to Stevens’ language’ which suggests that Stevens is using over complex language almost in an attempt to prove his…show more content…
In ‘The Remains of The Day’, Stevens stresses to the reader that his desire to meet with Miss Kenton lies entirely with ‘professional matters’ meaning his feelings for her are unintentionally suggested to the reader, even in the first few pages of the book. Throughout the novel, Stevens makes only one direct reference regarding his true feelings for Miss Kenton despite the fact we are aware of them from early on in the novel, making it apparent that Stevens ‘Supresses and evades the truth about himself and others. At the end of novel after Miss Kenton confesses that there are ‘desolate occasions’ in which she thinks about ‘a different life, a better life [she] might have had’ with Stevens, he reveals that ‘at that moment [his] heart was breaking’. The importance of this moment in the tale is it is the only point at which Stevens describes raw emotion to the reader and finally consciously reveals his love for Miss Kenton. For the greater part of the novel he gives an overly detailed account of events but often fails to convey his honest opinion of them to the reader. Even when his Father dies, he makes no emotional comment on the situation but we become aware he is crying due to Lord Darlington’s remark ‘you look as though you’re crying’. Even when asked directly if he was crying, he explains away his grief as

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