Virtual Business Vs Brick And Mortar Business

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Virtual VS Brick and Mortar Business There are advantages, disadvantages, pros, and cons in conducting business in a brick and mortar environment compared to doing business in a virtual environment. Some of these differences are clear and obvious and some, not so much. My job in real estate is a combination of brick and mortar in that I do have an office to go to, however, my job consists of primarily web based activities that can be performed from any location. I also believe these differences extend beyond providing business advantages and encompass school activities as well. This is my primary reference point as I have attended both brick and mortar universities and now am strictly virtual. I believe that the differences, similarities, pros and cons I experience in business are the same ones I experience in being in a virtual classroom. Advantages and Disadvantages The obvious advantage to conducting school work or business virtually is the flexibility. I work from home the same way I do at the office, just as I complete my classes and earn equal credit as the students who attend a brick and mortar facility. I have no commute time, rush hour traffic issues, gas usage, parking costs, or stress while trying to get to work or school. Some days I simply roll over in bed and open my laptop. Now, that being said, the obvious drawback of working virtually is the lack of personal, face to face, contact with coworkers and classmates. Working virtually both for work and school, can be very isolating. There is also the issue of support if you have a question or problem. This is especially difficult with school work. The instructors I have had have been very helpful in answering email questions, posted questions, or phone call question; however, more often than not there is a delay in response time. If you were at a brick and mortar university a simple hand in the air

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