Violence Among Fillipinos

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Violence Among Filipinos An ongoing theme in the compelling autobiography America is in the Heart by Carlos Bulosan is how Filipinos that immigrated to America in the early 1900’s drastically affected their personalities and attitudes. This was specifically shown in Carlos’s brothers, who one nearly stabbed Carlos. Though Carlos vows never to change in America, he too succumbs to this instinctive brutality when his frustration at the unfair circumstances that he can never seem to escape from in America is compounded by a personal tragedy. Carlos describes the underlying reasons of violence and hatred when he decides to start his life again in America and when he attempts to murder a white businessman that was violent toward him. Carlos Bulosan’s use of metaphors and reasoning that help justify his intriguing questions in his analysis of feelings toward his first violent act against the white society reflect how Filipino immigrants in America changed to become more violent and hateful as a result of racial fear and the realities of America. In the passage where Bulosan is again starting his life in America his thoughts provide specific reasoning to Filipino violence by his personal experiences and reflections. Carlos states “There were times where I found myself extricably involved, not because I was drawn to this life by its swiftness and violence, but because I was a part and a product of the world in which it was born” (152) meaning that he did not choose to be violent but that’s how it resulted because of how the world was. He also mentions how he became “immune to violence” (152). For Carlos he got used to violence, and it became a way of life for him. Filipinos everywhere suffering from oppression in America used violence with each other and toward whites because of the “reality of America” (157) meaning how mistreated the Filipino community was. Within

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