Vietnam War American Escalation Analysis

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Vietnam War Part 1 - Discuss Key events in US-Vietnam relations from the assassination of JFK to July 1965. What factors led to American escalation? You should consider both the factors within the US civil/military debates as well as in Vietnam. During the Vietnam War there are many things that lead to the hostility and tension of Americans. First and foremost, Lyndon B. Johnson runs as a peace candidate in 1964 against Goldwater. He also says that he won’t send Americans to fight in a war they shouldn’t be fighting for. Finally, there is the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. In that epic change of a generation Americans were noticing a big change all around them. American escalation in the War was getting stronger…show more content…
Liberalism and discontent for the war become huge issues during this period. You start to see major leaders arise and become famous such as Martin Luther King who is a civil rights activist, who will be remembered as an anti-war hero at some of his speeches. Liberalism leads the US to take active roles in defeating the Vietcong in Vietnam. It is the motivation that stems economic growth, as well becomes problematic. Critics of liberalism included feminists, women and housewives, students, right-wing groups, and Ho chi Minh. Eventually liberalism comes under attack through various movements at home as…show more content…
You could say that Johnson was fighting an air war while Nixon was fighting a secret war. When Nixon took office there were about 500,000 troops in Vietnam. He rapidly drops the number down to about 150,000. This was smart of him politically which meant much less anti-war protests. He came to office promising peace and honor through Vietnamizaiton. However, he actually expanded the war by getting involved in Cambodia and pulling his coup and secret war there. LBJ had been fighting an air war in Laos, while Nixon decides to escalate it. The US got involved in Cambodia because of its supply port. The attack in Cambodia was far more public than Laos and had a much bigger impact, thus losing more credibility for the US. Nixon’s idea for Vietnam was to let reconstruction be possible. Basically, if the North survives he did not want them to leave war without major
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