Various Ways People in Ukraine Deal with Grief

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Various ways people in Ukraine deal with grief Losing someone or something you love or care is very painful. People may experience all kinds of difficult emotions and it may feel like the pain and sadness they’re experiencing will never go. Grief is a natural response to loss. It’s the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away. Grieving is a personal and highly individual experience. How you grieve depends on your personality and coping style, your life experience, your faith, and the nature of the loss. I think you have to be patient with yourself because it might take some time to let it go. Some people trying to ignore it but I don’t think this is right thing to do. Ignoring your pain will only make it worse. It is better to face your grief and deal with it. Another people trying to be strong and they feel like it is very important to be very strong. But its normal to cry, to be sad or lonely. It doesn’t mean that you’re weak. Sometimes it’s better to show your feelings; it might help you or your family. But there are people who don’t cry. Crying is the normal response of sadness but those who don’t cry they may feel the pain as deep as others but they have some other ways of showing it. People in my country don’t really like to talk about their feelings. That’s why most of them grieve alone, which is following an advices of a lot of doctors wrong thing to do. All the psychiatrists saying that even if you aren’t comfortable talking about your feelings it’s important to share with others and accept all the support you can get. In Ukraine people trying to show that they are strong and independent and it might take a lot to share their feelings. And only some of them, even if it takes pride in being strong, would share their feelings to a close friend or to a family. They will ask for help, either it’s a shoulder to cry or

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