Vanyck's Wedding Symbolism

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Study Guide: EXAM #2 1. Study the 10 slides on Moodle, using the page numbers of “Arts and Culture” for further study. 2. Chapter 12: GOTHIC and the LATE MIDDLE AGES: * What are the structural innovations of Gothic architecture? * Know the 4 phases of Gothic architecture and how to identify each. * What is the role of symbolism in Medieval art: examples of secular and religious interpretations in, for example: “The Unicorn in Captivity”. * The most celebrated literary work of the Late Middle Ages is Dante’s Inferno: * What are the 3 parts? * What enduring idea regarding our criminal justice system was put forth by Dante? * What were the 2 “devastating calamities” of the Middle Ages?…show more content…
Artists such as Albrecht Durer and Michelangelo regard artistic talent and skill as a gift from God. * How does this view embrace humanist thought? * Who were the major patrons of High Renaissance Art in Northern Europe? Cities in the Low Countries, such as Bruges and Ghent were major commercial centers in the 15th century: why? How does Van Eyck’s painting, “Arnolfini Wedding” depict the rise of the merchant class in 15th century Bruges? * What is meant by disguised symbolism in this painting? What kind of painting medium did artists turn to during the Renaissance, and why? Define soliloquy in Shakespeare’s plays? What is iconoclasm and how does it relate to the Reformation movement? What is meant by the painting technique: “continuous narration”, an example of which can be seen in Massacio’s, “The Tribute Money”. What is the anti-classical style, developed toward the end of the Renaissance, and in response to a period of socio-political unrest? Describe the paintings of Heironymous Bosch Who was Nicolas Copernicus and what argument did he incite regarding our solar system? Who was Martin
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