“Using the Case Study Provided at the End of the Module, Identify and Explain the Client’s Issues and Devise a Course of Treatment for Him, Taking Into Account Any Ethical Issues”.

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Case Study: Mr X as 45 year old estate agent who has been working for the same company for 18 years. The manager’s job in his branch has become available but he has reservations about applying as he does not want to upset the apple cart if he is not successful. He knows deep down that he can do the job as he has stood in for the present manager many times when he has been on leave, but something seems to be holding him back and he cannot quite put his finger on it. He says that all the people in the office see him as a bit boring as he never goes put with them for a drink after work on a Friday. The reason he doesn’t go is because that is the day he visits his mother in the home she lives in, and she would never understand if he changed the day and would pick on him even more than usual. He would love to go out with them on another night but fear that, if he asks, they will say no. He would love the manager’s job because then his mother would see him as more successful and maybe give him more respect. He has a sort of girlfriend whom he would like to marry but feels he does not have much to offer her at present and anyway she might say ‘no’. He comes across as a gentle man who is very aware of the feelings of others and afraid of what they might think of him. You will have assessed him as visual in modality. Introduction In this essay I shall be explaining the issues Mr X has described, as I have understood them. I will then attempt to evaluate these issues and aim to discover what he is actually seeking therapy for and whether there are any hidden agendas or secondary gains. I shall then discuss any ethical considerations that need to be accounted for and then seek to devise a relevant course of treatment for him. Mr X has stated that he has been employed as an estate agent in the same company for 18 years. He has not progressed in his work although he is

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