Using Material from Item a and Elsewhere Assess the Contribution of Functionalism to an Understanding of Families and Households. (24 Marks)

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The functionalism theory is a perspective that sees society based on shared values into which members are socialised. The theory suggests that society is similar to a puzzle; there are a few different parts which need to fit together in order for society to function fluently. In this essay I will be assessing the contribution functionalism has on families and households with the supports of views from functionalists such as George Peter Murdock. George Murdock supports the functionalism theory however he believed that the key to functionalism is a basic family unit which is also known as a nuclear family. Murdock suggested that by living in a family which consisted of a mother, father and their biological child/ children, society would be enhanced ass teaching and learning the norms and morals of society would be best with a world which consisted of nuclear families. Since Murdock was a functionalist, he belied that the essential building block of society were the functionality of the economy, reproduction, sex and socialisation. George Murdock along with other functions had a consensus view that nuclear families accommodates the four key functions because it would stabilise satisfaction of the sex drive which would lower social disruption that could be caused by sexual tension. Another key factor was socialisation, specifically primary socialisation, which Murdock believed would be best in a nuclear family as primary socialisation is during the childhood of children, where they learn the norms and values of life, nuclear families were seen as the best setting for this. The functionalist view is extremely positive on its views for family’s and households due to their belief on the importance and influence nuclear families have on society. However this does not mean the theory is correct; sociologists along with other theorists contest this view. Sociologists argue

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