Using Evidenced-Based Resources

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Using Evidenced-Based Resources Evidenced-based research is the questioning of age-old practices and determining whether they are truly the best practice for our patients. The argument of doing things based on the reasoning of, “thats the way it's always been done”, is not acceptable. Somehow certain things just do not occur to us due to our own ignorance, such as the example in the next paragraph. Because until we are educated we do not take proper precautions. Doctors actually had to be told they needed to wash their hands between patients. For hundreds of years childbirth was considered one of the most dangerous acts, women would get terrible infections and die. It was later discovered that the doctors were not washing their hands between…show more content…
The article Management of Cocaine-Associated Chest Pain and Myocardial Infarction : A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association Acute Cardiac Care Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology (Circulation. 2008), impresses the importance of ascertaining whether the patient has been using cocaine in connection with reported chest pain because the therapeutic interventions will be completely different. If the patient fails to self-report drug use it is important to use diagnostic testing, such as a urine analysis, to determine the presence of cocaine. Patients with cocaine-associated chest pain, unstable angina,or MI should be treated similarly to those with ACS, with some exceptions. Unlike patients with ACS unrelated to cocaine use, cocaine users should be provided with intravenous benzodiazepines as early management. In summation, it is necessary to ascertain the reason the patient is suffering from chest pain because treatment mandates it. References Linton, A. D. Introduction to medical-surgical nursing. 5. San Antonio: W B Saunders Co,

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