Using All These Sources and Your Own Knowledge, Assess the View That the Dred Scott Decision Did More Harm Than Good to the Southern Cause in the Period to 1861

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Using all these sources and your own knowledge, assess the view that the Dred Scott decision did more harm than good to the Southern cause in the period to 1861? By Atika Khanom The Dred Scott decision played a major role and had affected the whole of American-especially the slaves. After a case that lasted for over ten years, this final decision seemed to have favoured the South, but the question remained that did it do more harm than good because after four years of the decision, in 1861 the civil war did emerge. Both source A and source C agree that the Dred Scott decision did more harm than good. Source A, a Republican newspaper and Source C, a speech both declare that the new government were making lethal and wrong decisions. Source A states that the government had ‘converted the Supreme court…into a propagandist for human slavery…’ and source C articulates how they may ‘see another Supreme Court decision declaring that the constitution of the United States does not permit a state to exclude slavery…’ This supports the idea that the Supreme Court had been greatly influenced by pro-slavers and portrays the power of the South as they are ruling in favour of the South. This can be largely due to President Buchanan who was seen as a ‘safe’ option for the democrats as he was a northerner but sympathized with the Southerners and had illegally persuaded the one of the cabinet members to support the case in favour of Mrs Emerson, Scott’s owner, which led to a wholesome win of seven to three members. Buchannan became the official president in 1857, the same year as the Dred Scott decision was finalized and the Republican editorial was published. This immediate publication of the negative view of the Dred Scott judgment indicates the unity, yet fury of the Republicans who were well-known for being an anti-slavery party. ‘Propagandist’ suggests an aggressive tone

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