Ushahidi Case Study

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Ushahidi Case Study. 1. Describe briefly what are the concepts behind Web 2.0 tools such as Crowdsourcing and Mashups. The concept of Web 2.0 which features Mashups and Crowdsourcing, deals with harnessing and using the power of the internet to actively collaborate and create new services or expand existing services. It involves sharing of information in ways that differ from the transaction oriented static and isolated form of internet use indicative of many company websites which under normal conditions will operate unilaterally (Gallagher). The term is frequently used in reference to social media such as Facebook and peer to peer sharing such as Limewire, Youtube and Bittorent. Mashups are web based platforms that draw data from multiple places across the internet outside of the boundaries of its main business or organization. It is built on services which are provided by other internet sites and has been central to the development of social networks. The increased speed of the internet has created the environment for further development of mashups. There are different types of mashups, some are enterprise based or consumer based. Google maps are an appropriate example which may use YouTube and Face book to supply needed information and is consumer based. With mashups the clients Web browser combines and reformats data which is then sent to the client’s service as individual data streams to be processed (Gallagher). Crowdsourcing is based upon the philosophy that “in the multitude of counsel there is wisdom”. It is the use of many minds to solve problems. The idea lies in opening up a job to anyone who is interested along with supplying the codes that needed to operate with freedom to design, modify and upgrade the software to make it better. Crowdsourcing is used to collect information, to access a large labor force, to seek help with a particular

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