Usa 1928-1930 Analysis

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The Roaring 20s: USA, 1928-1929 07) Source E suggests that the popularity of Jazz music increased as time went on. It shows that it ‘appealed to young people’ because it was seen to be ‘daring and exciting’ due to it being ‘played in bars and clubs which sold illegal alcohol’. This shows that the youth obviously loved this music as they began to listen to it more and more. Also, alcoholics would listen to this music a lot because due to the Prohibition alcohol was illegal to acquires and as said in Source E, the music playing at the only places you can get the alcohol at would play this music and hence many people would enjoy the jazz tunes as it reminded them of a happy time with alcohol etc. The blacks also liked this kind of music as…show more content…
This is useful in helping us study Americans attitudes towards organised crime and gangsters during the time of Prohibition because it portrays what a lot of people believed at the time as this was a popular magazine and hence this was the message about these types of people sent out into the public. It was also a very influential magazine and hence what they believed and what was perceived of the gang members in this magazine would have been passed down to a lot of the citizens. The Source was produced in 1930 which means it was current at the time of the Prohibition and hence very reliable. The magazine covers ‘rich and famous celebrities’ this shows that Al Capone, along with other gangsters were obviously very well-known and people obviously had a lot of interest in them. This source is very useful as shows many people’s views and is current in that time period – no hindsight. The only limitation with this source is that it doesn’t give us a lot of information on how people feel about Al Capone and other crime groups activates. During the Prohibition, people especially due to things like Source F – the picture in the magazine – became a star. People used to cheer him when he was seen in public and Al Capone associated with big businessmen. He brought wealth and excitement to Chicago and hence many people were glad that he was there with his clubs etc. Capone didn’t just commit violence, he

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