Us Involvement In Ww1

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HONORS Modern World History February 7, 2010 United States Involvement In World War I World War I was the first war in the 20th century to have multiple countries involved at one time. The countries that were involved were Great Britain, France, Russia, United States, Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy. “The war started because of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand by black hand member Gavrilo Princip” (Uschan 18.). Out of all the countries involved in World War I, the country that stands out is the United States. The United States did not become involved in World War I until 1917, which was three years into World War I. The United States did not join into World War I until 1917 because the United States did not want to weaken its economic balance and they wanted to save money by not participating in the war. Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States at the time, promised when he was elected president he would not allow the United States to participate in World War I but when Germany attacked parts of the United State’s territory President Wilson had to take action and declare war on Germany. The United States became involved for many of the same reasons why other countries did. Overall in World War I, the United States went to war because of Violence, Betrayal and Alliances. The first reason why the United States became involved in World War I was violence. Before 1917 when the United States joined the war, Europe was at war and countries were getting attacked left and right and many people on the allies side were getting killed by the enemy. The United States stepped in to join its allies (Britain, France) to go and fight the enemy. Germany, later known as the big

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