Urban Migration Essay

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INTRODUCTION Bangladesh is a low-income least-developed country (LDC) characterized by widespread poverty. The country has been successful in achieving sustained GDP growth of approximately 6.5% over the last 7years.It has entered “ Medium Human Development” rank of UNDP- constructed Human Development Index(HDI).However, the poverty situation is still alarming. Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries of the world with a rapidly rising population of (approx.) 160million.Its capital Dhaka is one of the fastest growing mega-cities of the world, with an estimated 300,000 to 400,000 new migrants, mostly poor, arriving in the city annually. Past generations often moved to cities seasonally, they worked to send money home to their villages and usually returned there during planting season. But in recent years, the moves are more likely to be permanent. More intense storms and floods, salinization damage to crops caused by the encroaching sea and especially worsening river erosion have left many people rootless. Dhaka, the capital, is often the only real option in this region. It is the fastest-growing megacity in the world, according to the World Bank. At least 12 million people live in Dhaka, and there are more than 400,000 newcomers each year. The World Bank predicts that the population could grow dramatically by 2020.Migrants usually arrive in search of the golden opportunities the city offers for improved living standards. In turn, they contribute their labor to the manufacturing, services, and other sectors, thus creating growth. Human migration is physical movement by humans from one district to another, sometimes over long distances or in large groups. Migration is a flexible and dynamic phenomenon that encompasses territorial mobility of the people and concerns movements like commuting, absence from home place for varying time periods
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