“Upon Wedlock And Death Of Children”

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The poem “Upon wedlock and death of children” written by Edward Taylor. In his poem he describe that death is a natural process and compare it with different aspects of nature. Edward Taylor in his poem, Upon wedlock, and death of Children expresses his gratitude to God on his children birth and does not complain on their death. “Whether thou get’st them green, or lets them seed” meaning that its up to the Lord to decide about a person’s fate. He uses iambic pentameter as the mechanics and his thought flow in an orderly fashion, rhyming at every alternate lines. His poem consists of seven stanzas each of six lines. He is actually describe about his family tree in this poem. He symbolizes his children as flowers and describes when that flower bloomed or withered off. He first expresses about how wonderful the relationship between a married man and his wife is. Then he goes on with his children's births and deaths. He symbolizes his children and their children as different parts of nature such as, singing birds and different flowers and their odor. However, in the entire poem he never complaints to God regarding his loses. In fact he praises the Lord and thanks Him when one of his children survives. This represents his true faith in God. By reading his poem, one can easily make out about his family, that how many children and grandchildren he had. Edward Taylor had Faith in God. He took death as a natural process of life and do not protest to God regarding the loss of his beloved. Instead he solaced himself by saying that it was God’s and so he took it away. He have faith in God that “He is the one to decide about everyone’s destiny”.

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