Uon Case Report

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UON Case Report Class 5156 Session 3 Duke Groebe LFMBA Executive Summary A preliminary analysis of the results of the UON Survey is presented. The information from the survey is intended to assist the UON directors in their decision in designing a new website to provide stoma healthcare management and support to people living with stomas. The analysis is presented in three sections. The following summaries have been provided for each section. Summary Demographic Profile - UON Survey The mean age is 62.7 years with males averaging 64.7 years and females averaging 61 years. The mean time between an initial surgery and taking the survey is 11.1 years. The most common stoma surgery type is an ileostomy (48.6% of all stoma surgeries). The most common reason for an ileostomy is chronic bowel disease (76.8% of all ileostomies). Chronic bowel disease and cancer account for the majority of all stoma surgeries (87.6%). Most survey respondents have permanent stomas (90.7%), Most survey respondents knew beforehand of an upcoming surgery (62.1%). Most survey respondents report being in good health (85.7%). Most report having adapted well to their stoma (68.1%) but about a third of this report a negative effect on their lives. Health Care Information – UON Survey Most feel well-informed about their stoma (88.5%), however a larger percentage of females (48.6%) than males (39.8%) feel well-informed. Regardless of where they may get information, most do not belong to a support group (83.5%). A minority report having no source of ostomy information (15.4%). The largest sources of stoma information are the internet (36%) and ostomy retailers (34.3%). About 10% get their stoma information from a support group. Additional Services – UON Survey Less than half of all respondents were satisfied with the stoma information from their healthcare provider (45.1%).

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