University Of Phoenix Material: Effects Of Mass Media Worksheet

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University of Phoenix Material Effects of Mass Media Worksheet Write brief 250-to 300-word answers to each of the following: |Questions |Answers | |What were the major developments in the |There have been many major developments in the evolution of mass media during the 20th | |evolution of mass media during the 20th |century. Nothing has stayed the same everything has grown and changed. We are now | |century? |bombarded with information every waking moment of our day. In earlier times, there were | | |silent films and basic radio shows. Now there movies, television…show more content…
In earlier times if you wanted to | | |research something you needed to go to a library to find the information. This is | | |uncommon in today’s society. You no longer need to rent or purchase physical books, as | | |they are available online or downloaded to electronic devices. Billboards are another | | |form of media that has grown and changed. They once were expensive to utilize and there | | |were limited numbers of them. Today they are everywhere and anyone can use them. Overall| | |in my opinion the most important change is the availability of information and the ease of| | |obtaining it. | |How did each development influence |The development of mass media has had a profound effect on American culture. We are
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