Unit Nine Workbook Assignment

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Unit Nine Workbook Assignment Chapter 15: Disorders and Conditions Resulting From Trauma For each scenario below, explain how and why you would schedule an appointment or suggest a referral based on that patient’s reported symptoms. First, review the “Guidelines for Patient- Screening Exercises” found on page iv in the “Introduction.” 1. A father calls to report that his 4-year-old son has stepped on a nail in a board. The child pulled his foot off the board and nail, and the foot looks red around the site. He wants to know what to do. How do you handle this call? I would advise the father to schedule a same-day appointment, if available, so that the doctor may assess the area. If no appointment were available, I would advise that the patent be taken to an Acute Care Clinic for treatment. At the appointment, the doctor will cleanse and irrigate the area with sterile fluids. The doctor will make sure immunizations are up to date. The child will receive a tetanus shot and antibiotics to prevent infection from furthering along. Once the patient has been treated, the parent will be advised on how to care for the area as well as looking for changes in the signs and symptoms that could indicate infection. 2. A patient calls the office complaining of feeling a stuffiness and something in the ear. He has complaints of pain in the ear canal and decreased hearing capability. How do you respond to this call? I would advise the patient make an appointment same-day to have the ear looked at. If no appointment were available, I would advise that the patient go to an Acute Care Clinic. At this appointment, the doctor will attempt to look into the ear to see if the foreign body could be seen. If not, the doctor will use an otoscope to look into the ear canal for the object. If the object can be grabbed, the doctor will use tweezers to grab the object. If not, a warm

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