Cyp Core 2.1 Essay

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Unit CYP Core 3.1 2.1 Explain how children and young people’s development is influenced by range of personal factors. Having a good understanding of what a child needs to grow and develop, we will then be able to address their specific needs which in turn will help a child achieve and be exposed to various opportunities to excel. Parents have the most pivotal role to play in this department but as practitioners we also have some control on certain factors that could benefit and positively influence children and young people’s development. But, there are influences that extend out of even parents control prior to birth for instance or even post birth of a child. A table of personal factors that could hinder a child’s development…show more content…
Or maybe Oxygen starvation or traumatic births. | Child may inherit illnesses or conditions which will affect them from birth such as asthma and blood disorders. Oxygen starvation could lead to brain dysfunction. | Child might be effected in physical growth and development therefore hindering there gross motor skills for instance by being unable to partake in physical activities. They could also have learning difficulties because of poor brain functioning. | During pregnancy - mother or poor health such as diabetes, smoking, taking drugs or alcohol, exposure to toxins or physical trauma before birth. | FAS (Foetal Alcohol Syndrome) for instance can cause mental and physical defects in a foetus by consumption of alcohol whilst pregnant. | A child might have physical defects or mental defects that might affect their mental development; it might also influence their behaviour. | Genetic Inheritance – At the time of foetal conception genetics are passed from parents, if there is a malfunction this could affect the child’s appearance. | Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder that whereby a child is born with an extra chromosome or sometimes half an extra strand of chromosome. | Child might have physical and mental defects that will hinder their development, such as slow learning rates of development or achievable milestones.
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