Unit 9 Cognitive Development Research Paper

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Psych-Sim Session 9: COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Name: Rebekah Schoenfeld Section: Date: February 3, 2015 This activity describes Piaget's theory of the growth of intelligence and simulates the performance of three children of different ages on some of Piaget's tasks. Schemas What are schemas? Is us people beings making sense of the world by organizing what we know into a mental frame work. Explain the difference between assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation is interpreting one's new experience in terms of one's existing schemas. On the other hand accommodation is modifying one's schemas in response to new experiences. Suppose that a 15-month-old toddler has learned to call the four-legged house pet…show more content…
Since the child has seen a horse for the first time he or she does not know very well the word horsie or horse. But if the chiled was exposed to tearm beforhaned there is a chanche that the chiled would call the animal horsie or horse. If the information would not fit in their brains then most likily they modifie theschemas or build competily new schemas to help accommodate the new experiences. This may inclued making up a random word or combinding the the two words doggie and horsie. However in this case since the kid has never see a hourse before the kid would most likely say horsie or horse. Stages of Development What are some characteristics of a child in the sensorimotor stage of development? What is object permanence? Characteristics of a child in the sensormotor stage of development first to be in this stage the chiled has to be no older then two years. The infant's intelligence is wrapped up n sensations and actions. For the first two years of life the infant is limited to thinking about the here and now with sensations being experienced and the objects being acted upon. The ifants intelligence grows dramatically month by month. The chiled growes to achive oject permanence. Object permanence is the notion that things continue to exist when they are out of…show more content…
For example four year olds fail to relize that a wider container verces a tall skinny container can hold more liqued. Other limitaion is egocentrism. Egocentrism is the inability to take another person's point of view. For example a chiled may have a hard time to imagen what a pile of building blocks would look like from another point in a room. Also another example is that a chiled tends to pint at the game shile explaning it to the other chiled not relizing that the other chiled can't see what is being pointed to , since that person is blined
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