Unit 79 Support Use of Medication

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Academy of Health and Social Care (QCF) MULTI USE FORM Candidates Name: Date Tick Relevant Box |Self-Report | |Reflective Account | |Candidate Explanation | |APL | | |Authenticated Statement | |Case study/ scenario | |Work Product | |Certificates | | |Use this box to give a description of the clients/child’s care needs and abilities | | | | |Mandatory Unit |Optional Unit | | |Referencing |Referencing | |The legislation that governs the use of medication in a social care setting is outlined in the Care |1.1 | | |Standards Act 2000 and the Medicines Act 1968. | | | |Medication in the UK is classified by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, the job of classifying each |1.2 | | |new drug since new laws are down to the marketing authorisation of each drug. | | | |The polices and procedures put in place make sure that legislation is being followed so that all |1.3 | | |people being cared for are safe, all needs are being met, inclusive practise and diversity is being | | | |followed out and
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