Unit 7 P1, P2

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Human Rights and the UK In this essay I will be starting off by explaining what human rights are and also be outlining the key features of the Geneva Convention, Universal Declaration of Human Rights(1948), European Convention on Human Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998. In addition, I will also be explaining how human rights may be violated and the ways international institutions respond to such violation. In this topic I will provide three case studies of different types of abuse. Human Rights: What are Human Rights? This is a rights that is believed to be allowed for every human and it gives you the right to life, fair trail, freedom of expression and many more all adding up to over twenty rights you are entitled to for just being a human. These rights are always going to be entitled to you as you are a human. This then means it doesn't matter on your age, sex, gender, religion and anything you can think off only that you are a human. Human Rights began a long time ago but there were never a solid state of rights a person was entitled to until after the Second World War when the UN enforced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights bringing everyone with rights. The Geneva Conventions The Geneva Convention is the core of international humanitarian law and it tries to limit the effects and aftermath of war. The Geneva Convention protects people who do not have any part of the war or do not participate in the hostilities which includes prisoners of war, wounded troops and civilians. The Geneva Convention come with protocols which have been developed through time. Since the Geneva Convention is such a vital link to being civilized and having every country disciplined to it, it would then mean that if any of the protocols has been violated by someone that someone must then be sought, tried or extradited disregarding what nationality that person is to be as
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