1.1: Identify The Key Stages Of Stroke

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Outcome 1 Know what a stroke is 1.1 Identify the changes in the brain associated with stroke Heart attacks and strokes are usually due to cardiovascular disease, a condition featuring body-wide damage to the delicate lining of the arteries the tubes that carry oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to all the organs, tissues and cells in your body and to the brain. The psychological, behavioural and emotional changes that take place after a stroke are part caused by physical damage to the brain. When the brain cells are damaged the sensations and parts of the body controlled by the cells can no longer function properly. This usually affects the left hand side of the body. But I personally have seen someone who has had a stroke and it has…show more content…
* Can the person smile * Can the person lift arm or leg 2.2 Identify the key stages of stroke The key stages of stroke are: Facial weakness, Arm weakness, speech problems if you see any of these it is time to call 999 because the quicker the individual is seen by a medical trained person the better. They also say within 4 and half hours they can save the person. They may give an anti-coagulant that will reduce the clot there by giving the individual greater prospects. 2.3 Identify the assessment tests that are available to enable listing of the signs and symptoms. It is called the FAST test: F= Facial weakness A= Arm weakness S= Speech problems T= test all 3 signs and call 999 2.4 Describe the potential changes that an individual may experience as a result of stroke. Some of the physical changes that occur in the individual after suffering a stroke are psychological, behavioural and emotional changes take place after a stroke are in part caused by the physical damage to the brain. When the brain cell is damaged the sensations and parts of the body controlled by the cells can no longer function…show more content…
Phone 999, When reporting to ambulance driver it is important to tell them if this is the first incident, and date of birth what the person name is, and any relevant history and get them straight to the hospital. Relevant history could be e.g. if anyone in their family has had a stroke. It also must include nationality as Asians, afro Carrabin, ect are more likely to be affected. What the signs and symptoms are and what medication the person is on. eg metformin which is a diabetic

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