Unit 4222-365 Understand the Process and Experience of Dementia

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Unit 4222-365 Understand the process and experience of dementia (DEM 301) Outcome 1 Understand the neurology of dementia 1.1 Describe a range of causes of dementia syndrome Dementia is caused by damage to the brain this can be caused many different ways such as, alcohol or drug abuse, brain injuries, depression, infection (HIV, UTI), vitamin deficiency, certain medications. different types of dementia have different causes for example Alzheimer’s is caused because the body can no longer break down proteins efficiently which affects the transmission of signals in the brain. 1.2 Describe the types of memory impairment commonly experienced by individuals with dementia Memory loss affects people with dementia in different ways but there are four common areas which people with dementia experience difficulties, Remembering events Most individuals who have dementia can remember the distant past more easily than whats happened in the past few months, weeks, days, hours and minutes. This is because memories decline in reverse order making newer information harder to recall. Taking in new information People with dementia find it very difficult to understand and retain new information and events. In some cases of dementia the area of the brain that processes new information may be damaged , which means the individually not be able to recollect hearing information they have already been given. As the brain has not been able to retain the information the individual may think its the first time they have been given it. Recognising people and places People suffering with dementia may lose the ability to recognise people, places or things. This is because the brain no longer the the capability to remember or process the information it needs. An individual with dementia may not recognise their family members or those caring for them. In some

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