Unit 4222-245 Essay

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Unit 4222-245 outcome one- The legislation and polices designed to promote human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities are as follows: Human rights act 1998/2000 Mental capacity act 2005 National health service and community care act 1990 disability discrimination act 2005 Equality act 2010 Departments of health 2001 These legislations and policies influence the day to day experiences of an individual and their families by as follows: Getting a job or entering an education system. Independence, such as going out with friends or travelling. Promoting their rights. Securing and ensuring that no harm or danger is inflicted via direct of indirect actions. It ensure they are being treated equally and given choice and free will. That everything is being done by the books, all policies and procedures are being carried out professionally and legally to the letter. Outcome 2 2.1- Learning disability means an individual has an incomplete or state of arrested development of the mind. An individual with learning disabilities will have considerable impairments of intellectual and social kind, they will struggle or lack the ability to comprehend information and/or intake educational gain. This of course heavily relies on whether they have mild, moderate or severe learning disabilities. Those with mild can often learn and adapt with guided support, whereas those with moderate and severe, will need more support. 2.2- There can be many examples for the cause of learning disabilities, it can range from a chromosome genetics factor where someone either before, during or after birth is born with mild, moderate, or severe learning disabilities, or it could be due to an injury that has had significant effect on the individuals brain. 2.3- Medical models are what support workers follow in

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