Unit 4222-211 Provide Support for Mobility

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UNIT 4222-211 PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR MOBILITY OUTCOME 1 1.1 The ability to move freely or be easily moved. 1.2 A vast range of disabilities and conditions can result in mobility and physical difficulties, which may impact on access to learning. Some of the most common ongoing or permanent conditions result from muscular and skeletal disabilities and from ongoing medical conditions which affect mobility. Some disabilities may be more prominent or evident than others. Back and neck getting up from problems, accidents or injury leading to long term disability, arthritis and any other condition affecting the joints, amputation, fibromyalgia, multi sclerosis, partial or total paralysis, cerebral palsy and head injury. Other conditions such as respiratory and cardiac diseases, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer can all have an impact on co-ordination, dexterity, strength, speed and stamina. Also when people grow older they have difficulty with mobility 1.3 People may have difficulty in moving around because of their age or health, some people may not want to be mobile as it causes them pain and discomfort, sometimes lack of mobility can cause other problems. Example chest infections, urine infections, swollen feet and ankles, loss of independence, deep vein thrombosis, depression. 1.4 People should be encouraged to do every day activities if they are able ie getting up from bed and walking to the bathroom, getting washed and dressed, going up and down stairs, going out for walks, they will be keeping their joints supple and are less likely to rely on other. It is important to encourage people to be mobile as much as possible within the limitation. Also keeping mobile also helps them to keep their

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