Unit 4 - Life Stages Conception to Birth Development

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Conception to Birth For a human life to exist, a conception must take place. Conception… “Conception is when a woman's egg is fertilised by a man's sperm, and then implants itself into the woman's womb.” (nhs.uk) accessed 18.11.2013 Every month, a woman’s ovaries release a single egg, and then the egg travels into the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the womb (uterus). For conception to happen, sperm from a man reaches the egg of a woman and fertilises it. The sperm of dad holds genes and the mum’s genes are within the egg. After the egg has been fertilised by one single sperm, no more sperm can enter and the egg becomes a Zygote. The Zygote travels through the fallopian tubes in to the womb where it attaches itself to the lining of the womb and begins to grow. This is at about 6-10 days after the woman’s egg is released. (nhs.uk) accessed 18.11.2013 Between 6-10 days and 8 weeks, the Zygote is called an Embryo, The sac that forms around the baby (amniotic) is filled with fluid which protects the baby like a cushion incase mum has ay falls or bumps. The placenta starts growing, this is full of blood vessels that take food and oxygen to the baby and takes away any waste produce throught the umbilical cord. By 1 month, the face and neck are becoming noticeable, the blood vessels continue developing and heart begins breathing. http://www.slideshare.net/zulu52/the-fetal-development 4 weeks the eyes, nose, lips, tongue, ears and teeth begin to form. 9 weeks the baby is approximately 3cm long with most of their body parts and organs formed. Eyelids and a mouth are beginning to develop. week 11-12 the baby is about 2 inches long, can move its arms and legs turn its head and frown. The baby can make sucking movements. The second trimester 16 weeks the baby's eyes can blink and the heart and blood vessels are fully

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