Unit 4 Developement Through the Life Stages Assisgament 1

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Development throughout life stages Kieran O’Connor Kieran O’Connor Unit 4 Conception, pregnancy and birth Conception A Human life begins with conception this is when a fertile women will usually produce one egg cell each month then roughly two weeks, after the last menstrual period, the egg cell will travels from the ovary, and it will go along the fallopian tube going towards the women’s uterus. If the woman has sexual intercourse when the egg is in the fallopian tube there is a possibility of there being conception when having sexual intercourse. The man during orgasm will ejaculate millions of sperm, but it is just one sperm that will fertilise the egg. Fertilisation means that the genetic material from the male that is contained within the sperm what has 23 chromosomes joins the genetic material from the female’s egg what has 23 chromosomes, and so that when they join to form a zygote when fertilization occurs, the zygote will have a total of 46 chromosomes. What make up the DNA of the human body. Page 1 Kieran O’Connor Unit 4 However only about half of all fertilised eggs will develop into babies and many of the eggs will be lost. Pregnancy Pregnancy is divided into three phases, or trimesters, in the first phase is conception until about twelve weeks, Pregnancy begins when the egg is penetrated by a sperm, after the fertilisation the egg cell will start to divide. Then after two or three days the cells will make new cells to make the fertilised egg the size of a pin head. Then the cells will travel into the lining of the uterus 2 Page where it becomes anchored. The developing collection of cells is now Kieran O’Connor Unit 4 called an embryo, it is attached to the wall by a placenta, once the embryo is attached to the uterus wall, a chemical signal usually stops the women from having another menstrual period. After the three

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