Unit 4 Chemistry Edexcel

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Peter Williams Chemistry Unit 4 pH (definition) ● (pH =) ­log [H+]; OR ● (pH =) ­log [H3O+]; Calculating pH from pKa ● Ka = 10−4.28; (convert pKa into Ka) ● Ka = [H+]2/ 0.050; (moles of compound into equation) ● [H+] = √(0.05 x 10−4.28) = 1.61988 x10−3(mol dm−3); (rearrangement) ● pH = −log 1.61988 x 10−3 = 2.7905 = 2.8; (calculate pH from [H+]) Calculation (strong acid) ● (pH = ­log 0.0100) = 2(.00); Calculation (weak acid) ● [H+] = Ka[CH3COOH]/[CH3COO – ]; OR ● [H+]2 = Ka[CH3COOH]; ● ∴[H+] = √ 1.75 x 10–7; ● pH = 3.38 / 3.4; Weak acid definition ● (Weak) dissociates / ionizes to a small extent; ● (Acid) proton donor; Assumptions (weak acid) ● assumes that degree of ionisation of the acid is very small/negligible; ● ∴ [CH3COOH ]eqm =[CH3COOH ]initial; ● all of the hydrogen ions come from the acid / ignore hydrogen ions from the water; Ka (expression + calculation) ● (Ka =) [H+][A­]/[HA]; (not a mark unless states, but products/reactants) ● 1.3 x 10­5 = [H+][5 x 10­2] / [7.5 x 10­2] (values added into expression) ● [H+] = 1.95 x 10­5; (rearranged + answer) Kc (expression) ● (Kc =) [X][B]/[Y][A] (not a mark unless states, but products/reactants) Explain why no units ● Units cancel; OR ● same number of moles/same number of molecules on each side; 1 Peter Williams Kw (expression) ● Kw = [H+] x [OH−] OR ● Kw = [H3O+] x [OH−] ● Reject: Inclusion of [H2O] Kw (calculating pH from conc. of NaOH (strong alkali)) ● [H+] = Kw/[OH−] = 1.00 x 10−14/0.00750 = 1.33 x 10−12 (mol dm−3); ● pH = −log10 [H+] = 11.875 = 11.88/11.9; Sodium hydroxide + propanoic acid ● CH3CH2COOH + NaOH → CH3CH2COO(­)Na(+) + H2O; Ethanoyl chloride + ethanol = ethyl ethanoate (ester) ● CH3COCl + CH3CH2OH → CH3COOCH2CH3 + HCl; (reversible) Ethyl ethanoate (ester) + NaOH (alkali) ● (CH3COOCH2CH3 + NaOH →) CH3COONa + CH3CH2OH /C2H5OH; ●

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