Unit 4 Essay

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E1 List the three pieces of legislation relating to safe, healthy and secure environment with correct title and date. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Childcare Act 2006. RIDDOR 1995. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. COSHH. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002. D1 Explain how the 3 pieces of legislation support the strategies to maintain a healthy, safe and secure environment. A legislation which implements a safe and secure environment is the Health and safety at work act 1974. You need to have a health and safety policy within an early years setting to ensure safety of everyone, coming in and out of the setting. It implements procedures like risk assessments and gates around the environment so children are secure and safe from risk with within the setting. There is a health and safety officer within every setting who will regularly inspect the setting. Another legislation is the food Safety Act 1990 as training is given to staff in childcare settings in order to comply with the legislation. This helps practitioners to know what they need to give to children at lunch and snack time to ensure they have a balance of healthy food. RIDDOR 1995 is another legislation which supports strategies in settings. This is because by knowing this legislation they have the help and advice from others to prevent injury and ill health. By following this procedures are made, for example writing incidents and accidents in books to make people aware of what happened, how and why. Its helps them to think of ways to resolve issues which may need to be addressed and reported. The childcare act 2006 also does this as it focuses on the children’s well-being. Within the legislation it enforces the every child matters program. Safety is one of the points as they ensure the safety of child is kept and no harm shall come of them
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