Unit 2 Health And Human Development Essay

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Unit 2 Health and Human development- Chapter 6: Key term definitions Amniotic fluid – the fluid surrounding he embryo/foetus, which acts as a protective barrier. Antenatal - occurring before birth ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) – a condition which is a pattern of impulsiveness, inattention and overactivity. Autoimmune disease – the immune system attacking and destroying healthy body cells. Cephalocaudal development – development that occurs from the head downwards. Child mortality – deaths that occur between the first birthday and 12 years of age. Colostrum – concentrated form of breast milk, rich in antibodies. It is produced on the first few days after birth. Congenital abnormality – malformed body parts (either external or internal)…show more content…
- at this age children like to be accepted by others and behave in a way to get attention. - play is an important aspect of social development. emotional. - emotional development continues to occur at a rather fast pace. - will begin to develop a sense of empathy and may care for people who are crying or upset. - yet their way of dealing with emotions is still in its early stages and children may use physical violence to express their frustration. - children begin to develop an identity that will continue to form for years to come . - moods can change quickly, as they do not have the skills to control their emotions. Intellectual - Learning new words and how to use language occurs fairly rapidly during this stage, by the age of 5 they know approx. 1500-2500 words. - children begin to question many aspects of their environment. - in the first years of early childhood, the child can classify objects based on one aspect such as colour. - children in this lifespan may learn to write basic letters and read basic
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