Unit 10 D1

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Unit 10 Pass Criteria (D1) The first method that I used was a questionnaire, I chose this method it allows me to analyse the user needs, expectations, perspectives, priorities and preferences. Because I needed to collect the data from such a large sample size it is a fast way to collect results, it also has high validity as the questions are very specific to the canteen and healthy food. By using a questionnaire it allows the staff and pupils to think about their answers; as I didn’t require their reply immediately. The down side to carrying out this method was that I had such a large sample size it took a long time to collate all the data appropriately, if I was to do it again I would maybe choose my sample size using quota or stratified sampling. I also found that the lowers years also were confused on some of the questions or had left it out which meant that I then had to chase them up to complete it correctly which took a little more time. Maybe I next time instead of putting it in the teacher’s pigeon holes and getting them to administer it, I should go round to each form and explain it myself. Furthermore, I need someone to help share the conducting of research so that I can speed up the time process. I also found that timing is important I carried questionnaire during a regular school day as found out through secondary research that I would be less likely to get a good amount of respondents if I was to administer the questionnaire around holiday time or examination days. The second method I set up were 4 focus groups which I met up with before and after the changes were carried out. I chose this as one of my methods because using a questionnaire is very close ended type of research however; I find that with a focus group I could pick up on details that the questionnaire couldn’t because they could go into more depth. My focus group consisted of two teachers

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