Unit 1 Computer Technology And Criminal Justice Information System

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Computers, Technology and Criminal Justice Information Systems Unit 4 Project Sage M. Holt February 24, 2013 CJ216-01 Long before Uncle Bob even saw the lights of the police car in his rear view mirror, the officer that pulled him over may have already had an abundance of information about him. Some police cars are equipped with a device called an automatic license plate reader or ALPR. A license plate reader is a piece of equipment that is capable of capturing license plate information. Once the information is captured, it is run through a database automatically. Information the scan will return to the officer will include the vehicle owners name, the year the vehicle was made, the make and model, vehicle identification number (VIN), along with the expiration date of the license plate and any suspensions placed on the plate. If the…show more content…
This information is available to Federal, State and Local law enforcement officers. The NCIC is just one way in which the officer could have found out about any warrants Uncle Bob may have. Another system available to the officer is the National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System or NLETS. NLETS is a network that allows law enforcement and criminal justice agencies to access a wide range of information, from standard driver license and vehicle queries to criminal history and Interpol information. The officer could also run Uncle Bob’s information through the Florida police department’s police records management system which would return information on a person’s criminal history, probation, court, vehicle and prison records as well as local and other agencies records. The officer could have also gotten information by searching the California Police Department’s website. Once the officer receives Uncle Bob’s information he will return to Uncle Bob’s vehicle and proceed with the arrest.

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