Unfree Labor Essay

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Unfree labor in the forms of slavery and indentured servitude was an essential component of the development of the American colonies and the United States after independence. These forms of labor arose due to the lack of wage labor, cost of wage labor, and efficiency of unfree labor. The American colonies and the United States were abundant with resources, but did not have the appropriate (or necessary) capital and labor. Migration from Europe to the colonies was discouraged because of high costs, personal risks, and uncertainties of living in a new land. At first, the Europeans who agreed to set sail to America came from many backgrounds and came with many different motives other than labor. These motives were mainly religious with people seeking freedom to practice faiths that were discouraged in Europe. These groups consisted of English Puritans, French Protestants, Catholics, Quakers, and Mennonites from Germany. Due to the lack of white European laborers, indentured servitude was introduced to increase migration of this group. Indentured servants are individuals contracted to do certain work for a term (usually between four and seven) in return for transportation across the Atlantic and specified payments of food, clothing, housing, or education in a craft. When their contracts ran out, they were free to become a part of the pool of free labor. Freedom dues were also received that included money or land at the completion of the contract. The population of indentured servitude grew due to implementation of the plantation system in which the southern colonies had a comparative advantage in cotton production. Between 1650 and 1780, migration to the colonies was estimated to have been 600,000. One-half to three quarters of that population were indentured servants. The children of these servants were born free, but it was common for them to be put in

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