Understanding Malcolm X

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Understanding Malcolm X Malcolm Little was born on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He was the fourth or eight children to Earl and Louise Little. Earl was a preacher and active member of the local Universal Negro Improvement Association and a supporter of Marcus Garvey, a Black Nationalist leader. Earl Little’s civil rights involvement attracted frequent harassment from white supremacist organization Ku Klux Klan and the Black Legion, a group who were apart of the KKK but separated themselves. Malcolm relocated twice with his family before his fourth birthday. The Little home was burned to the ground in 1929 and two years later, Earl Little’s body was found lying across the town’s trolley tracks in Lansing, Michigan. The Little family were certain that the Black Legion had something to do with both events but the police ruled them both as accidents. Malcolm graduated top of his class where he was the school’s only black student. He was very smart and excelled academically.…show more content…
He converted to the traditional Islam and changed his name to El-Hajj Mailk El-Shabazz. Malcolm X returned to the United States less angry and more optimistic about a peaceful resolution regarding America’s race issues. On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was scheduled to deliver a speech at the Audubon Ballroom in Manhattan when three men rushed in and shot him fifteen times at point blank range. The three men convicted of the assassination of Malcolm X were all members of the Nation of Islam. (Malcolm X | Presented by Hallzzz... (n.d.). Retrieved from http://malcolm-x.theblackamericanglossary.com/). Unfortunately, after his death, commentators ignored his recent spiritual and political transformation and criticized him as being a violent leader of the civil rights movement. His greatest contribution to society was understanding that humans will go to great lengths to secure their

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