US History Quiz

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AUG 2007 Base your answer to question 1 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies. 1 The states with the largest percentage of land used for agriculture are located in areas with (1) relatively flat terrain (3) easy access to the West Coast (2) the warmest year-round climate (4) ocean ports 2 According to the theory of mercantilism, the principal purpose of the thirteen original colonies was to provide Great Britain with (1) naval bases (2) raw materials and markets (3) workers and manufactured goods (4) military recruits 3 The colonists’ slogan, “No taxation without representation,” expresses a belief in (1) free trade (2) economic interdependence (3) the supremacy of Parliament (4) the consent of the governed…show more content…
21 This cartoon from the 1896 presidential election campaign attacked William Jennings Bryan’s proposal for (1) free coinage of silver (2) lower tariffs on farm goods (3) strengthening the gold standard (4) government regulation of the railroads 22 By proclaiming the Open Door policy in 1899, the United States was attempting to (1) keep Japan from attacking and colonizing China (2) increase trade between Russia and the United States (3) ensure equal trading opportunities in China (4) prevent European countries from colonizing the Western Hemisphere Base your answer to question 23 on the speakers’ statements below and on your knowledge of social studies. Speaker A: It is more important now to focus on vocational training and economic opportunities than on removing obstacles to social equality for African Americans. Speaker B: The Constitution is color-blind and recognizes no superior class in this country. All citizens are equal before the law. Speaker C: The American Negro [African American] must focus on the achievement of three goals: higher education, full political participation, and continued support for civil…show more content…
Which principle included in the United States Constitution shows that the framers agreed with Montesquieu? (1) separation of powers (2) federal supremacy (3) implied powers (4) due process 7 Which headline illustrates the use of judicial review? (1) “Congress Passes a Civil Rights Bill” (2) “Conference Committee Meets to Finalize Budget” (3) “New York State’s Reapportionment Plan Ruled Unconstitutional” (4) “President Signs SALT Agreement with Russia” Base your answer to question 8 on the diagram below and on your knowledge of social studies. 8 The system shown in the diagram was developed under the Articles of Confederation in order to (1) divide lands seized from the Loyalists (2) provide an orderly system of development for the Northwest Territory (3) remove Native American Indians to areas west of the Appalachian Mountains (4) extend slavery as the nation grew 9 Which statement is an example of the system of federalism? (1) Cabinet members are appointed by the president. (2) Revenue bills must begin in the House of Representatives. (3) The national government coins money, but states cannot. (4) The president can negotiate treaties, but the Senate has the power to ratify
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