Basic Steps In Policy Making

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Practice Policy Evaluation Use the following questions to record your thoughts and findings. This will be a valuable resource when you prepare for the test. (6 points) 1. What are the basic steps in policymaking? Answer: 1. Recognize a problem 2. Formulate a policy 3. Adopt the policy 4. Implement the policy 5. Determine the impact of the policy 6. Revise the policy (4 points) 2. Who makes governmental policy? Name several institutions and officials. Answer: Leaders and lawmakers make governmental policies, the officials that were elected and appointed, judges, and advisers that are selected help shape policy at all levels of government. Not only do those high authorities make the policies, we do; us the people. (6 points) 3. How…show more content…
Everyone who is in the government has intentions of being reelected. In order to be reelected you would have to satify the people and by doing that you are meeting their needs by looking at the opinion polls, petitions, surverys that were answered by the people, ect. The governments job is to guide and help the people, therefore by doing that theyd have to see in the peoples opinions, what has to be changed. (8 points) 4. What is the relationship between the powers of government and the policies that governments create? Answer: The relationship between the powers of the government and the policies that governments create are that governments use its powers to create the policies and the policies are the product. (6 points) 5. Policy is discussed by the realm, or broad subject matter around which policy centers. Think about economic policy, social policy, and foreign policy. Which of these realms is most important for the national government? Explain why this realm is more important than the other two. Provide evidence to support your explanation.
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