Tyler Durden Quotes

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Throughout the book Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk, the protagonist (who is not clearly named towards the end of the book) is narrorating the book. One who doesn’t read towards the end of the book would think that it is just the main character narrorating the story. This book goes very deep into the mind of the protagonist suprising the reader who maybe thought it was just a fighting book, with extra violence, and action. Tyler Durden, a man with a far different nature than the average civilized man. He has a hatred for consumer culture, and lives his life on the edge, not caring about organization, even destroying some of the consumer culture with help from his followers. Tyler Durden is the protagonists idol, up until the near end of the novel where Tyler is found by the protagonist inside of his mind therefore telling the reader that the…show more content…
Tyler then comes to reality and realizes all the things that he had really been doing. A huge percentage of the area now were his followers, and just as he realizes that he is Tyler, he finds out about the bombs he planted in local credit card company buildings too late to save them. Although Tyler learns of how he really is Tyler, the imaginary Tyler still is trying to get power over him and keep doing bad stuff. This is what the reader may call the climax of the book, when Tyler overcomes his split personality by shooting himself. The thought that he did that killed the other side of him, and he also ends up surviving the shot in the head, bringing the story to an end where Tyler is in a mental institution, and inside of hear he answers a phone call from Marla instead of hanging up right away and talks about how he can finally sleep, and he is happy for once, showing that he can live his own life, and not just one who lives based on consumer

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