Tv Bad For Children

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Is Television a Bad Influence on Children? The television has become such an essential part of our homes, and it is hard to imagine life without the tv. The television offers entertainment to people of all ages, particularly children. Children love to watch television and seem to prefer it to playing outside. Although television is loved by children and has helped children a lot, it can also influence children in a negative way. Some people can argue that children should be allowed to watch a lot of television because it can be educational. Preschoolers can get help to learn the alphabet on children’s programs such as Super Why, and grade scholars can learn about wildlife on nature shows. “A 2003 national survey of children, sponsored by the Kaiser Family Foundation, indicates that the average child between the ages of 8 and 18 watches 3 hours of television a day, and the averages are even higher among younger age groups (8- to 14-year-olds watched an average of 3 hours and 16 minutes)” (Hersey and Jordan). Therefore, with the increased rate of working parents most children come home from school and are left alone or with a babysitter who may not care what the children are watching. With no supervision, children may end up watching shows with violence, sex, and bad language instead of educational programs. Television is the number one after-school activity. A few people will argue that if children spend more time watching the television it would prevent them from getting involved in bad activities such as drinking alcohol, stealing, or smoking. Television and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with parents and others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development. An additional dispute put forward by opponents could be that children have a choice on what to watch and
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