Tuesdays with Morrie Summary

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When Mitch returns the next Tuesday, a portable oxygen machine has been added to Morrie's collection of medical equipment. On the fourth Tuesday they talk about death. Morrie begins the conversation about death by saying that although everyone knows they're going to die, no one really believes it. If they did believe it, they would do things differently. The next Tuesday they talk about family. Morrie looks around him at the numerous photos of his own family and tells Mitch that family is the foundation of everything. Without family, there is almost nothing to life. The Sixth Tuesday they Talk About Emotions. Charlotte tells him that Morrie can no longer chew, and he must eat only soft foods and liquids. Mitch protests that Morrie has never mentioned this, and Charlotte says that he didn't want to hurt Albom's feelings by refusing his gifts. The Seventh Tuesday they Talk About the fear of aging. He decided to ignore culture and not be ashamed. In doing so, he began to enjoy his dependency. He can now enjoy being treated, once again, like a baby, cherished and pampered and looked after by its mother. The Eighth Tuesday they Talk About Money. He said that Average people are simply overwhelmed by it all until they no longer understand what is truly important. The Ninth Tuesday they Talk About How Love Goes On. Meanwhile, Morrie's condition is rapidly deteriorating. He can't move his own head and is no longer able to use the bathroom on his own. Yet every morning he still insists on being lifted from his bed and moved to his study, where he can sit among his books and papers. His new saying is "when you're in bed, you're dead." The Tenth Tuesday they Talk About Marriage. Mitch’s wife came to visit Morrie so the three of them talk. The Eleventh Tuesday they Talk About Our Culture. Mitch is now considerably less self-conscious about the things that society says should be

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