Tuesdays with Morrie

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Tuesdays with Morrie is a touching, sentimental and inspirational movie which is a fitting tribute to the life of a man whose passion for life still lives amongst us. It is more than the memories and sympathy that a man in his death bed invokes in us, but rather it is the inspiration and passion of this man’s human spirit that will continue to live in us long after his death. This movie is about the life of a retired professor called Morrie Schwartz who has been diagnosed with A.L.S, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, a disease which leaves his “soul, perfectly awake, imprisoned inside a limp husk” of a body. It is at this stage that Morrie has to cope with a terminal disease and his ageing. However, amid all this suffering and despair, Morrie reconnects with his former student, Mitch Albom, a successful yet emotionally and spiritually bankrupt sports columnist. Mitch Albom was Morrie’s former student at the university and although he had promised Morrie that he would keep in touch with him after graduation, he failed to honor TUESDAY WITH MORRIE MOVIE REVIEW3 his promise. One night as Mitch was flipping through the channels, he recognized Morrie in a television program “Nightline” hosted by Ted Koppel. Surprised to learn that his former professor was dying of A.L.S, Mitch decided to get in touch with him. A reunion of friends turned into an opportunity to appreciate life’s little pleasures. The two old friends always spent Tuesdays together exploring life’s important issues, such as family, culture, marriage and ageing. It is during this period that Morrie gives Mitch lessons on how to positively build and inspire those around him through his actions. He emphasizes that we should invest in people and not things since once we are gone, we will be remembered by the time we spent helping our friends and families. He also says

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