Tuesdays with Morrie

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March 18, 2011 Week 5 Tuesdays with Morrie, Written by. Mitch Albom Adults in transition Describe the purpose of the book and its content. The purpose behind the best-selling memoir Tuesdays with Morrie, written by. Mitch Albom and its contents to the reader, is to show that happiness comes from their heart and not what society and the media have made false happiness to be. If you ask high school students what their dreams and goals in life are? Many may have different answers, but most would answer to make a lot of money. Thinking that money and success is the key to happiness is the wrong way to approach your life. Mitch was the ideal American student who had dreams of becoming a professional performer, or entertainer, but gave the dream up for a great job, money, status, coolness and popularity everything that society and the media has portrayed on us to be important. However just like Mitch the success and the moneys lure faded and he became unhappy and unfilled with his life. Tuesday with Morrie provides the readers with the true story of the last days of a wise college professor who philosophizes and frequently challenges the true meaning of happiness. When Mitch Albom a once favored student by his professor finds his former mentor dying of a devastating disease, he returns once again to meet each Tuesday just as in college to discuss the true meaning of life and happiness. Mitch visits with his former professor, on these precious Tuesdays to discuss the important things in life as they did twenty years earlier. The result is a touching, thought-provoking journey through the philosophy of life, death and the search for meaning into transitions and life. (Lib.lbcc.edu, 2002) Through these meetings Mitch realized his unhappiness and remembered the person he used to be and wanted to become with the help of Morries’ philosophies and words.
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