Treaty of Versailles Revision

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The Peace Treaties, 1919–1920 In this module you will learn: 1. THIRTY new words 2. The names of the ‘Big Three’ leaders at the Versailles Conference. 3. The aims of Clemenceau (4), Wilson (7) and Lloyd George (5) at the Conference. 4. The FOUR main terms of the Treaty of Versailles [BRAT]. 5. Five reasons the Germans were angry about the Treaty of Versailles. 6. What Clemenceau, Wilson and Lloyd George felt about the Treaty of Versailles. 7. The FOUR other treaties of 1919–1920. 8. FOUR reasons the Treaty of Versailles was more important than them. 9. FIVE new nation-states created in 1919–1920. 10. Four problems with self-determination. You must do the following written work: ( A spidergram of how people felt after the First World War. ( A wordsearch on the Aims of the Big Three. ( A video sheet ‘Make Germany Pay’. ( An essay: ‘How did the victorious countries intend to treat Germany in 1919?’ ( A cloze exercise: The Terms of the Treaty of Versailles [BRAT]. ( An essay: ‘Why were the Germans so angry about the Treaty of Versailles’. ( Sentences on what the British people Woodrow Wilson thought about the Treaty. ( Questions on the Other Treaties of 1919–1920. Have you read: ( Peter Moss, History Alive 4, chapter 4. ( LE Snellgrove, The Modern World since 1870, chapter 11. ( Christopher Culpin, Making History, chapter 3. ( N deMarco and R Radway, The Twentieth Century, pages 144–8. ( J Traynor and I Dawson, The Struggle for Peace, chapter 4. ( Tony McAleavy, Modern World History, pages 12–29. |Q | |New Words | |Share what you remember about the First World War. | | | |
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