Treatment of Infertility

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Infertility in womenThere are two forms of infertility - primary and secondary infertility.Primary infertility - a pregnant woman never occurs in women, sexually active and not using contraception.Secondary infertility - formerly on one or more pregnancies, pregnancy does not occur after a period of two years. The inability to conceive a woman of childbearing age is absolute, when the pregnancy is not possible (genital malformation, absence or extreme hypoplasia of the uterus, no ovaries, etc.), and a relative, when, due to certain reasons pregnancy is impossible, but it may occur after the removal of these reasons. A special place is an endocrine infertility caused by dysfunction of one or more of the endocrine glands.The main condition of fertile women - normal ovulation. Of great importance is the state of the reproductive tract, propelling the sperm and oocytes and fusion of sperm and egg. Mandatory conditions of this process is the Fallopian tubes, the possibility of implantation of fertilized egg in the uterine lining, the conditions for the growth and development of the fetus. Women should have regular ovulatory menstrual cycles, and endocrine changes postovulyarnye endocervical mucus and properties must be in the normal range.For conception in the fallopian tubes are necessary conditions that favor the movement of sperm from the uterus toward moving the egg (cross tube apparatus fimbriae). The uterus and the cervix to keep the fertilized egg and the fetus during pregnancy.The main causes of infertility women - anomalies and malformations of the female reproductive system, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, endocrine, immunological factors, endometriosis, tuberculosis, female genital mutilation, genetic, chromosomal abnormalities, industrial and household intoxication, psychiatric or neurological disorders, use of non-rational therapy and certain

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