Transfer Through Ecosystem

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Transfer through ecosystem Ecosystem is defined as interactions between all the biotic and abiotic features in a given area at a particular time. These interactions require chemical materials and energy to be transferred. Everything starts from the sun and its where transfer of carbon starts. Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll in palisade cells of plants. Energy absorbed is used for photolysis in the light-dependent reaction, causing water to split and excite electrons to higher levels. These excited electrons pass down the electron transport chain (ETC) and go through series of redox reactions; the energy is lost while passing down the chain and this lost energy is used to activate the enzyme ATPase causing ADP to join phosphate group to form ATP, process known as photophosphorylation. ATP and reduced NADP formed will be used in light-independent reaction (Calvin cycle) which is used to fix carbon dioxide and to reduce glycerate 3-phosphate to triose phosphate and thus producing carbohydrates. Therefore, plants are a producer making light energy of the sun available for other organisms in the chemical form. The chemical potential energy produced in the form of carbon containing compounds is now available for consumption by primary producers. These animals eat plants and assimilate them for growth, repair and respiration. However, most energy is lost during this transfer due to egestion, not every part of the plants are eaten, heat from respiration and in other form. Decomposers digest egested food by saprobiotic nutrition. The carbohydrates absorbed by animals are respired aerobically to release energy in the form of heat and ATP. Glucose enters the cells by facilitated diffusion and undergoes glycolysis in the cytoplasm. This involves the phosphorylation and subsequent oxidation of the molecule to form pyruvate. Pyruvate then diffuses into

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