Tourette Syndrome Essay

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Tourette syndrome is a common neurological movement disorder onset that affects children in the childhood between the ages of five and ten average (7) years old. Tourette syndrome is diagnosed after a doctor verifies that a patient had motor and vocal tics for at least a year. “Evidence from twin and family studies suggests that Tourette syndrome is an inherited disorder. “ Tourette syndrome is characterized by several indicators including muscular tics, vocal or phonic tics, disinhibit thoughts, emotional differences including difficulties in emotional regulation, obsessive compulsions and rituals. The characteristics and frequency of the indicators can change throughout a “Touretter’s” life time. In my paper I will attempt to show the impact that Tourette syndrome has on those who has been affected by this syndrome. Those who suffer with the disorder will experience health issues, behavioral problems, learning impairment, and legal issues. However the focus of this paper will be on the health issues, behavioral problems and learning impairments. People with Tourette syndrome have little or no control over the indicators. They often describe their Tourette syndrome as having a mind of its own or as a “monster within”. Tics, thoughts and compulsions have a habit of occurring when they are least wanted. By purposely trying to repress them can make the urge become stronger and stronger until a release becomes inevitable. Tics can be divided into two types; muscular tics and vocal tics. Muscular tics are rapid and repetitive movements of one muscle group, such as eye blinking, shoulder shrugging, squinting, or facial grimacing, hyperventilating, head nodding, stomach contracting. Vocal tics are repetitive sounds that can include throat clearing, sniffing, grunting, squeaking, coughing and words or phrases. Tics often last a short while, and then disappear then

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